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September 12, 2002 (Gani )

How to Run ySync Automatically

If you are using Microsoft Active Sync to synchronize your PDA with Outlook, the goal is to run ySync automatically whenever you synchronize. Fortunately for us, MS provided a way to do that.

Find the Registry Key:
  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AutoStartOnConnect
and add a string value -
  "MicrosoftAutoConnectSample"="c:\Program Files\ySync\syncAddressBook.vbs"

This will ensure that the synchronization will run automatically everytime you connect the device to the desktop.

For more information on the Registry keys available for tuning the ActiveSync - See This article on cegadgets.com

September 10, 2002 (Gani )

The first release of ySync was released today. For now

Important Features:

1. This release synchronizes only Address Book.
2. Supports a Field Mapping config file. But to add new fields than what are already in the config file, it requires code changes. For any fields already in there, they can be mapped differently.


1. Notes 5.02 or higher is installed on your system, and is configured with a default local address book.
2. Outlook 2000 or higher is installed on your system, and is configured with a default profile, and an address book.